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Money Matters

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This information has been provided by BMBC

More Money in Your Pocket

You can find out about the range of local help that's available, as well as national support, on Barnsley Council's 'More Money in your Pocket' website. 

Including information about: 

  • Housing support 
  • Support with utility bills 
  • Food support 
  • Help to manage your money 
  • Money saving ideas

Visit the More Money in Your Pocket website here


Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is money for children under 16 who need extra care or struggle getting around or both.

Could I be eligible?

Your child might be eligible for DLA if:

  • They need extra care, attention, or supervision because of a mental or physical disability
  • They need help walking or getting around

See this handy video for more info.

How do I apply?

You can apply using the forms on the site here.

You will need to print out the form and fill it out by hand. If you can’t print the form at home or at the library you can phone the Disability Living Allowance helpline on 0800 121 4600 and ask for one to be sent out.

Can I get help with the form?

The form for DLA is quite in-depth. It can be upsetting as it asks you to focus on what the child or young person cannot do and the effect this has on the family.

You can print off guidance notes to help you answer the questions, in the right way and it might be easier to do it in short bursts.

It can be helpful to keep a diary of the care you provide over the course of a few days, keeping a record of how long each task takes as the form asks you to specify in minutes eg. How long it takes to get the child to sleep.

If you need further support filling out the form you can contact:

DIAL: 01226 240273

Citizen’s Advice: 0800 144 88 48 between 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday

There are 2 parts to DLA – Mobility and Care, look at the mobility section for more information.


Mobility is part of the DLA application. There are 2 parts of DLA Mobility and Care. A child can get money for one part or both. The official word for these parts is components.

There are 2 mobility rates.

Lower rate:

For a child aged 5 or over who can walk but needs extra help from somebody to guide or supervise then to get around outdoors in places they do not know well.

Higher rate:

For a child aged 3 or over who because of a physical disability:

  • Cannot walk at all or
  • Can walk, but their ability to walk outside without severe discomfort is so limited they can be considered virtually unable to walk.
  • Can walk but the effort needed can seriously affect their health.

A child may also get higher rate if they

  • Have had both legs amputated above the ankle or through the ankle or were born without legs or feet.
  • If they are certified as severely sight impaired or blind
  • Are deaf and blind and need someone with them outdoors
  • Are severely mentally impaired with severe behavioural problems and qualify for high care component.

Where to apply:

The mobility application is part of the DLA application

You can apply using the forms on the site here.

You will need to print out the form and fill it out by hand. If you can’t print the form at home or at the library you can phone the Disability Living Allowance helpline on 0800 121 4600 and ask for one to be sent out.

PIP (Personal Independence Payment)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs for those over the age of 16 if they have both:

  • a long-term physical or mental health condition disability
  • difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of their condition

Your child will need to apply for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) when they turn 16. Your child will get a letter inviting them to apply for PIP. The letter will be sent: shortly after their 16th birthday or when they leave hospital, if they were in hospital on their 16th birthday

Your child’s DLA payments will stop unless they apply for PIP by the date given in the letter.

If they apply by the date given in the letter, they’ll continue to receive DLA until their claim is assessed.

Read more about PIP on the .gov website here: Personal Independence Payment (opens in a new window)

The charity Contact has a useful Parent Guide to PIP which you can view and download here: Contact Parent Guide to PIP

Support from an appointee

If you are worried about how well a friend or family member is managing their benefits, you can:
  • help them represent themselves.
  •  manage their benefits for them, as an appointee
You can find useful information on this on the Scope website or on the Gov.UK website

Carers allowance

If you care for someone including a child who receives DLA for at least 35 hours a week, you could be entitled to Carers Allowance.

How do I apply?

You can make a claim online through the Gov.UK website (opens in a new window). All the further details such as eligibility and how it might affect other benefits can also be found on the website.

Personal Budgets

A personal budget is money you can use to pay for support services, like carers or specialist equipment. It gives you the freedom to choose the services best suited to your child’s needs.

The amount you get is set out in an education health and care plan (EHC plan).

How to apply for personal budget:
To get a budget to support your child or young person's educational needs, you’ll first need an EHCP. The EHCP co-ordinator will talk to you about your child or young person's needs and whether or not a personal budget is appropriate for your child. The budget and plan will only be finalised once you and are completely happy with it.

The personal budget should be linked to the named services in the EHC Plan or Draft EHC Plan. A panel will decide on personal budgets.

How is a personal budget paid?

A personal budget can be paid in a number of ways:

  • Direct Payments: This means the money will be paid directly into a bank account for you to arrange payment directly with services named in the plan.
  • Third Party: Paid into another bank account i.e. Family member, for them to arrange payment.

Where can I find out more?

EHCP team on: 01226 773966
Or, Brokerage and Support Team: 01226 772425

Disabled Facilities Grant

If you or someone in your home has a disability and needs help to stay in their home or live independently, you could be entitled to support from Disabled Facilities Grants.

It can be used to cover the costs of any needed changes, such as stair lifts and ramps.

How do I apply?
You will need to have an assessment to work out what you need. If they decide you need major adaptations you can then apply for the grant.

Please click here to request an assessment.

Contact details
Equipment and adaptations service: (01226) 775800
Text phone: 07825 454888 (for BSL users)

Jargon Buster : What does that mean?

EligibleCan have something, entitled to something

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