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Past BMBC SEND Strategies 

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What happens to strategies when they reach their end date?

When a strategy comes to its end date, several things may happen depending on the nature of the strategy, the goals achieved, and the ongoing needs of the community. 

Here's what BMBC does when a strategy has run it's course:

🔎 They look at what went well and what didn't.

✅ If it worked, they might keep it going or create a new plan.

📋 They ask the public for their opinions.

🧾 They share a report on what happened, with key people involved

💷 They may adjust their budget based on what they learned.

💬 They keep everyone informed about what's happening.

Below are some recently expired strategies, which have fed into the current strategy. 

Joint Commissioning Strategy 2021 - 2023

The Children's Joint Commissioning Strategy (2021-23) shows the ways that Health, Education and Social Care services will work together to help improve outcomes for all children. It highlights ways that:

  • Services are working together
  • How they coordinate planning,
  • Explains Joint Commissioning
  • Explains Joint delivery
You can download the full strategy here

Barnsley Children and Young People's SEND Plan 2020-2022

The plan looks at:

  • What it is like to be a child, young person, or young adult with SEND
  • How this should shape what services should offer
  • The plan has been developed in partnership with the SEND Youth Forum
  • Development and commission of our services in Barnsley.

The plan and the solutions will drive improvements in delivering high quality services, and improve outcomes and opportunities for Barnsley children and young people with SEND.

The plan has been developed in partnership with the SEND Youth Forum.

You can download the plan here 

Engagement and Participation Strategy 2020-2022

The strategy sets out opportunities for engagement and participation, making sure children, young people and their parents/carers have a say.

The strategy has been developed by Barnsley Council and Barnsley CCG, working with the SEND Youth Forum and SEND parents and carers to ensure their views are reflected.

You can download a copy here

BMBC Placement Sufficiency Strategy part of the 2022 - 2025 SEND strategy

Local authorities have to make sure that there are sufficient (enough) good school places for all pupils including those with SEND who need more specialist provision. 

BMBC and the Children and Young People’s Trust have published a ‘Placement Sufficiency Strategy ' which looks at: the support and learning needs of pupils with SEND.

It will help make more places for pupils with SEND in both mainstream and special schools. 

 You can download a copy here

Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) Strategy 2021 - 2022

The Preparation for Adulthood Strategy looks at: 

  • Strategic Aims and Key Principles 
  • Five key areas of focus
  • Priorities 
  • What BMBC Will Do

You can download the full strategy here

Jargon Buster : What does that mean?

Strategic aim  What the strategy hopes to achieve.'
Key principlesKey points 
Mainstream schoolAny school that mainly meets the needs of pupils who do not have special educational needs.
Engagementbeing involved in something

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