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Further Education & Training 

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Leaving school, what next?

This page is here to help you, your family, or anyone involved in what comes next when you turn 16, and have SEND.

Find out about your options for further education, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, and skills for independent living.

What courses are available?

In Barnsley, there are lots of Further Education & Training options to study after you've left school.

Have a look at the choices available:

📘 Learning for Living and Work (Entry 1 – Level 1)

🌟 Supported Internships (Entry 1 - Level 2)

🛠️ Apprenticeships (Level 2 and 3)

🔧 Vocational Courses (Level 1 – 3)

🚀 T-Levels (Level 3)

📚 A-Levels (Level 3)

You can find out what each level means here.

If you're aiming for GCSE grade 4/C, you'll be able to sit these exams or work towards them at the same time as doing the above courses.

If you've already got Maths and English, no worries – you don't have to sit them again! 

You'll find out more about each level and course here

Leaving school with an EHCP

If you have an EHCP, in your Year 11 annual review, you and your parents will chat about what you want to do after Year 11.

The Local Authority will share your EHCP with the college or apprenticeship you're interested in to make sure they can meet your needs. You'll know where you're going in plenty of time, usually by the end of March that school year. 

Things you need to know

As you transition from school to what comes next, you'll notice a change in your weekly routine. 

You'll spend less time in School: Even if you stay at your school for the 6th Form, you'll likely be there for about 3 days a week or around 16-17 hours. This is still considered full-time for Further Education & Training.

The 5 Day Offer: The 5-day offer is a plan for people 18 and older with SEND who are finishing full-time school. As you move from secondary school to college or 6th form, your weekday routine may change, and you'll have more time to explore your interests. Read more about the 5 day offer here

Going to a specialist setting: If mainstream schools or colleges can't meet your needs, and you have an EHCP the team might agree on a specialist setting for post-16.

Getting help with travel costs: If you have an EHCP and you carry on your education in Barnsley, you can apply for help with travel costs here. If you choose a setting outside of Barnsley there may not be help towards travel costs. at meets your needs, transport from home to school might not be agreed upon. Check the money, travel and getting around section for more details

If you go to specialist education: Some young people will be educated five days a week it depends on your needs. Check the post-16 social care section to find out how services will work out if your needs can be met through education or a different service.

What happens at the end of my EHC Plan: By age 19, you'll likely have achieved your EHCP outcomes and be ready for adulthood. This might mean you don't need an EHC plan anymore. You could move into work or higher education. Even after your EHCP ends, you can still get education and support, especially if you're getting help from adult social care, continuing health care, or if you're working. Talk to your TIAG advisor or EHC Coordinator for more information about this. 

How do I decide where to go?

 In Year 11 you and your TIAG advisor will start to talk about colleges and courses available.  

Colleges often have open days, and there are specific ones for people with SEND. If you're nervous, talk to your family, your current school's staff, or your TIAG advisor for support during the move. It's okay to feel a mix of excitement and nervousness! 

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