Step one 🗣
Have a chat with your tutor or TIAG advisor and build up a typical week taking your college timetable as the starting point. Then think about what else you would like to do in that week.

Step two
Add some activities to your regular weekly schedule.
It could be a blend of:
👩🏫 College and Work: This might be sixth form, or another education provider, you might get a part-time job.
👫 Friendships and Relationships: Making time to spend with your friends, or going to a group to meet new people
🌍 Volunteering: You could find a volunteering opportunity to learn all about the world of work
🚴 Health and Wellness: Try a sports activity or join a gym
🎮 It is also okay to plan in some “chill out time” to spend at home with your friends or family.

You don’t have to do activities across all 5 days. You can put together a timetable for 4 days, as the “5-day offer” can be up to 5 days.
It's good if the activities, volunteering or job you choose have something in common with what you are studying.
For example, if you are studying catering you could look for a part-time job in a café.