Bootstrap Case Family Services Directory

Perinatal Mental Health Local Support

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Perinatal Mental Health Team

This NHS team helps mums who are feeling low when they're having a baby or after having one. They give advice about using antidepressants when having a baby or breastfeeding.

If you are worried about your mental health, and thinking about having a baby they can help with advice even before you get pregnant.

They visit you at home, and you can also bring someone you trust, like your partner, a family member, or a friend to your appointments.

Find out more:

Perinatal Mental Health Team

NHS Talking Therapies

NHS Talking Therapies is a free and confidential service provided by the NHS to help people who are dealing with common mental health conditions in Barnsley.

If you are in the perinatal period you will be seen quicker.

Find out more:

Visit the Barnsley Talking Therapies Website

Barnsley Talking Therapy Workshops

MUM (Mums Understanding Mums) Support Group

A support group for pregnant mums or with babies under 6 months old.

Make new friends and share your experiences.

Talk in confidence to other mums going through the same, with the support of a Midwife.

Find out more: 

MUM (Mums Understanding Mums) 

Birth in Mind

Birth in Mind gives mums a chance to talk about their birth experiences. If you had your baby in Barnsley, and need to talk about your birth experience, or feel distressed after the birth and are concerned about your feelings you can refer yourself to the Birth in Mind sessions. 

Find out more:

Birth in Mind

Barnsley Maternity Voices

We are a team of volunteers, mums and dads who want to make positive changes to maternity services

We meet every other month to talk about new developments, the current service, and get feedback from the families of Barnsley.
If you would like to get involved, or want to share your birth experience please get in touch. 

Find out more:

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