Bootstrap Case Family Services Directory

Family Hubs & Start for Life 

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What are Family Hubs?

Family hubs are ‘one-stop-shops’ where families can access services in their community.
They support families from pregnancy through early years and later childhood, up to the age of 19 (or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities).

Family Hubs make it easier for families to get the help they need.
This could include help with:
  • Becoming a Parent
  • Infant Feeding
  • Parenting
  • Understanding Family Relationships
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Signposting to Services who can help
  • Knowing what groups and activities are available for families to go to. 

This diagram helps you see everything that's available through our Family Hubs 

Become a Family Hub Member

You'll soon be able to register online, and become a Family Hub Member. In the meantime, pop into your preferred Family Hub and collect a registration form. Our Family Hubs are open from 8:30 - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

Coming soon, click here to become a Family Hub Member

What is Start for Life?

All families need help from time to time to make sure their babies and children thrive, it may be help from families, friends, volunteers, or professionals.

  • We want every family to receive the right support at the right time
  • We want all families to be able to find information to help them care for, bond and play with their babies and children
  • We want families to know where to go, which services can help them and how they can contact services
  • We want parents and carers to understand how to stay well.
Taking care of yourself means you are in a good place to give your family what they need

The First 1001 days : The time from conception to 2 years old

The first 1,001 days starts from conception until a child is 2 years of age (24 months).
It’s a time when a babies brain, body and immune system grows and develops rapidly, it a time of opportunities and sometimes challenges.

During this time, your health, nutrition, stress levels and experiences, along with the love and care that your baby experiences is important to give your baby the best start and a healthy, thriving future.

Your local Family Hub makes sure all families can access what they need during the first 1001 days.
This could be support and proving information around:

  • Becoming a parent
  • Infant feeding
  • Parenting
  • Understanding your family relationships
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Signposting to services who can help
  • Knowing what groups and activities are available for families to go to
  • Things you can do at home to help your babies’ development
  • Understanding the importance of Early Education
  • Knowing what help is available for families accessing childcare settings

What happens after the first 1001 days?

After your first 1001 days support does not end for you and your family.

Family Hubs offer a wide range of support and advice to help you and your child. Our Virtual Family Hub contains information to help you through your parenting journey and dropping into our Family Hubs and joining activities and groups can give you the answers to all those important questions that a leaflet or website can't give you.

What is Early Help?

Early help means working with you and your family so that small problems don’t get bigger.
You may be pregnant, you may have small children, children at school or even teenagers. Early Help is for everyone.

How do I get Early Help?
Talk to a professional who knows your family the best. It could be school, someone at your child’s nursery, your health visitor, your GP, or any professional who supports your family.

Tell them what’s working well and what you are worried about. You may have an idea about what you need, and what you think will help your family and this will be the starting point. They will talk to you to understand what is happening and what help you and your family need.

If you are not currently working with any professionals just pop into a Family Hub and ask about Early Help.

Where can I get more information?

To find out more contact:

Families Information Service: 0800 0345 340 press option 1

Phone lines open 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thurs and 9:00am-4:30pm Fridays

Family Hubs: 0800 0345 340 press option 2

Phone lines are open 8:30am-4:30pm Mon-Thurs and 8:30am-4:00pm Fridays

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Follow Barnsley SEND Local Offer for SEND-specific information, support and SEND updates. You don't need a diagnosis to follow the page.

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