Bootstrap Case Family Services Directory

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Free Courses for Families 

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This information has been provided by The Education Inclusion Service and The Social Communication and Interaction Team

Face to Face Courses from Barnsley Family Hubs

Barnsley Family Hubs offer a range of free face-to-face parenting programmes to support you and your family.


  • Welcome to the World 
  • Webster Stratton 
  • Talking Teens
  • Nurturing Programme

👨‍👨‍👧 Click here to find out more about each course 

Courses from the Education Inclusion Service (EIS)

Has your child recently been diagnosed with Autism?

Maybe they are on a pathway for Autism or have communication difficulties?

Solihull Online Parenting Courses

You can access these FREE online courses anytime and dip in and out at your own pace. They work well on a mobile phone or tablet, so can even be done on the go. 

Courses include:

  • Understanding your child with additional needs
  • Understanding your child's feelings
  • Understanding your teenager
  • Plus many more...

📱 Click here find out what's on offer, and how to access them for free. 

Solihull Online Courses for Teenagers

These courses are for teenagers only!

See how the changes in your brain might explain some of the changes in your behaviour.

🎮 Click here to find out which courses are aimed at teenagers and how to get started

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Worried about a child?

Worried about a child? 

Click here

Barnsley's Virtual Family Hub

💻 Visit the Virtual Family Hub 

Where you'll find information about Family Hubs & Start For Life, Universal Services, Help with childcare costs and childcare providers, leisure groups, holiday clubs and activities and much more!