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Health Services and Support

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Barnsley Hospital

If your GP can't treat you, you may be referred to Barnsley Hospital for an appointment with a specialist team who can investigate your symptoms further, and offer specialist treatment, and sometimes follow-up appointments. 

If you have an accident or need emergency care you can visit Barnsley A&E without an appointment, otherwise ring 111 for advice. 

To find out more about the different services at Barnsley Hospital, including referral pathways, and how they help click here

Find out about continuing healthcare

Most people can have their health needs met through their GP, hospitals or in the community, but if you have complex health needs that can’t be met by these services, you may need continuing health care.

Click here to find out about continuing health care, and if it's right for you. 

Further information: 

NHS Continuing Healthcare

Community Services for Young People

Community Paediatric Services
If you are a young person (up to the age of 18) and need an autism assessment, you'll be seen by communality paediatrics,
Find out how they can help, and what other conditions they can help with here

Autism Assessments for over 18's
If you are 18 or above and think you may have autism, and think you may need an assessment to help you move forward, the first step is to speak to your family GP. They will talk to you about an adult assessment, and they may signpost you to The Manygates Clinic, Wakefield. 
Find out more about the assessment process for over 18's here 

Neurological Physiotherapy Outpatients Service

Are you a young adult aged 16 and above with a neurological condition? 
You may come across The Neurological Physiotherapy Outpatient Service, they can provide special physiotherapy to improve your physical well-being and get you moving. 

The service does two main things:
Assessment and Treatment:
They'll check how you're doing and provide treatment to help you become more independent. You'll work together so that you reach your full potential.

Advice and Education:
They also give you information and tips to better understand your condition. This way, you can take steps on your own to manage and improve your health. They help you to be independent and look after yourself. 

Find out more: 

Occupational Health and Well-being

Occupational Therapy is like having a coach for your everyday life. It helps you if are having difficulties with everyday activities because of physical, mental, or social challenges. The occupational therapist works with you to find ways to do the things you need or want to do. This could be anything from getting dressed and eating to going to school or work.

They figure out what's important to you and help you come up with strategies or tools to make those things easier. It's all about making your life as smooth and enjoyable as possible, even if you're facing some challenges. 

Community Musculoskeletal Service. If you are over 16 and have a spinal, peripheral joint, soft tissue or neuromuscular problem, find out how they can help here

Barnsley Integrated Community Equipment Service
Helping both adults and children, who need equipment to help them with moving around, using the toilet, and getting a good night's sleep. Take a look at what's available and how they can help you here.

Equipment, Adaptation, and Sensory Impairment Service
If you have physical or sensory disabilities this service can help you do more on your own. The goal is to help you stay independent, as you grow up and maybe get a place of your own.

You'll get helpful information and tips, help you to get tools or gadgets that make things easier for you, and if f your home needs change, they can help you with that too.
They can help you move around safely, and if you have a visual impairment they can help you feel more confident getting around.

Speech and Language Support

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service is not just for young children it supports older children and young people too, When you are older the speech and language therapy team try to help you take part in making decisions e.g. they will ask what you'd like to work on to help you develop your speak and language. There's a helpful guide to how they support young people available to read here

Adult Speech and Language Therapy 
If you are having speech, language, communication and or swallowing difficulties, your GP can refer you to this service. Read more about how they can help you here

Learning Disability and Autism Liaison Nurse

If you have a learning disability or autism and are in hospital, you can ask to talk to the Learning Disability and Autism Liaison Nurse. They can help you to get your points across explain things to you in a way that you can understand, and make sure you get everything you need whilst in the hospital. 
More information can be found here

Learning Disability and Autism Hospital Passport
This passport provides staff with all the important information about your support needs; about your healthcare, learning disability, how you prefer to communicate and how to make things easier for you when in hospital.

Continence and Rehabilitation

Adult Continence & Urology Services
If you need help with bladder or bowel control and are over 18, talk to your doctor, they may refer you to the adult continence and urology service. They will talk to you about the best way to manage it. To find out what's available click here

Domiciliary Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Service
If you can't leave your home, or live in a residential or nursing home, and have complex disabilities or neurological challenges this team will help you become more independent it's like having support tailored just for you, right where you live. 
You can read more about how they help here

Services who can help with diagnosed conditions

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Service
Are you over 18 with diagnosed ADHD?
Perhaps you are wondering if you have ADHD and want to look into getting a diagnosis. The adult ADHD team is based in Wakefield, but takes referrals from those living in Barnsley - talk to your doctor about an initial assessment, and if you meet the criteria they will refer you. You can read more about it here.

Diabetes Service 
If you are diabetic, the children's diabetes service will stay with you until you turn 19, after the age of 19 they will organise meetings with the diabetic service for adults with diabetes, and they will help you manage your lifestyle and condition. 
Find out more here

Adult Epilepsy Services
When you're between 16 and 19 years old, you will get help moving from the children's epilepsy team to the adults' team.
Your doctor formally refers you to the adult epilepsy service nurses. You will get a chance to meet the epilepsy nurses who will help you in the future. You'll learn more about the adult epilepsy service and how they might help you. 
Find out more here

Blue Bell Wood Children's Hospice

Blue Bell Wood helps young people and their families aged 14 up to the age of 25, who have complex, or life-threatening illnesses and need hospice care. They help every family who needs them make the most amazing memories. 

Find out more about how they help here

What if I am new to the UK?

Health Integration Team
The Health Integration Team is there to make sure that people who are new to Barnsley, especially from other countries can easily access healthcare, understand their health needs, and get the right support. They do this by providing information, connecting people to services, and working closely with the community.

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Barnsley's Virtual Family Hub

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Where you'll find information about Family Hubs & Start For Life, Universal Services, Help with childcare costs and childcare providers, leisure groups, holiday clubs and activities and much more!