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Things to Consider in Y10 & Y11

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Year 10/11

In Y10 & Y11 professionals will work with you to think about and decide what help you need to support your longer-term goals and ambitions, around: employment, health, community inclusion and independent living.

Things to consider with an EHCP

Things to think about
  • What will help you to transition well?
  • Are you able to travel by yourself?
  • Do you receive benefits?
  • Do you need help changing from DLA to PIP?
  • Do you need support to voice your own views?
  • Do you need support to make good career choices?
 What are your post 16 options?
  • Barnsley College
  • Barnsley 6th form
  • Penistone Grammar
  • Independent training programmes, e.g. White Rose Beauty School, Leslie Francis Hairdressing, BCB Construction
  • Greenacre 6th form
  • Apprenticeship (training / learning whilst in paid work);
  • Traineeship (training / learning whilst in unpaid work):

To find out more take a look at the Post 16 Offer. At 16 many young adults will make their own choice about which training courses they want to attend , but you may want to talk to your parents who can help you make the right choices. 

Look for volunteering opportunities 

Who to talk to
Remember, The professionals who are working with you and the new training provider will work together with you to make sure you have a smooth transition

Things to consider without an EHCP

Things to think about
  • What will help you to transition well?
  • Are you able to travel by yourself?
  • Do you receive benefits? 
  • Do you need help changing from DLA to PIP?
  • Do you need support to voice your own views?
  • Do you need support to make good career choices?
 What are your post 16 options?
  • Barnsley College
  • Barnsley 6th form
  • Penistone Grammar
  • Independent training programmes, e.g. White Rose Beauty School, Leslie Francis Hairdressing, BCB Construction
  • Apprenticeship (training / learning whilst in paid work);
  • Traineeship (training / learning whilst in unpaid work):
  • Volunteering 
  • You can apply to attend NCS

To find out more take a look at the Post 16 Offer. At 16 many young adults will make their own choice about which training courses they want to attend , but you may want to talk to your parents who can help you make the right choices 

Who to talk to
Remember, if you are changing to a new placement, your current support staff will work with the new setting and help you to transition successfully.

Jargon Buster : What does that mean?

Ambitions hopes and dreams for the future 
Community Inclusion Being part of the community
Post-16After the age of 16.

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