To check if you are eligible, you can use a diagram to decide if you qualify for help.
- You must have care and support needs because of a physical, or mental condition, disability or illness.
- These needs must affect you, and stop you from achieving two or more outcomes from the list below.
- Not achieving these outcomes could have a significant impact on your well-being.
The diagram:

The outcomes are:
Managing and maintaining nutrition. This means being able to buy, cook and feed yourself healthy food, looking after your weight and getting enough vitamins and minerals.
Maintaining personal hygiene. Keeping yourself clean, looking after your teeth, and being able to use the bath or shower independently.
Managing toilet needs. If you need help using the loo, changing your pads, or manging a stoma bag.
Being appropriately clothed. Choosing the right clothes for the weather, making sure you have clean clothes to wear, and choosing suitable clothes for different places such as work, school or a party.
Being able to make use of your home safely. Getting around ok, using the stairs or a stairlift, can you reach everything and do you know about fire safety?
Maintaining a habitable home environment. Cleaning up after yourself, doing the dishes, and laundry, keeping things safe and tidy so that you don't trip of fall and nothing can fall on you.
Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships. Having friends, keeping up to date with them, visiting your family, choosing a partner.
Accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering. Getting a job, studying or learning new skills, helping in your community
Making use of facilities or services in the local community, including public transport, and recreational facilities or services. Do you need help getting out and about, using a bus, and doing the things you enjoy?
Carrying out any caring responsibilities you have for a child. If you are looking after your baby or child, or another young family member can you do this without support from social services?
If you want to look at more examples of these outcomes, you can look at the Social Care Institute of Excellence website here