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Current ways to have your say

Keep checking back for consultations, surveys, discussion group details.  

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Springwell Stakeholder Consultation

Wellspring Academy Trust and Barnsley Council are proposing the following:

1. That the number on roll at Springwell Special School be extended to 132.
 2. That 16 pupils be based at a newly refurbished satellite in Kendray
They are seeking the opinions of stakeholders

The consultation period will run from 18th September to 13th October 2023.

To contribute to this consultation, you can express your views online, by email or in writing.
Online: You can share your views by clicking here or typing the following into your URL:
Email: You can send emails to
In writing: You can send your views to Springwell Learning Community, St H
You can also attend one of our consultation events.
Official consultation meetings will take place at Springwell Learning Community as follows:
• Thursday 28th September 3.30pm until 5.30pm
• Thursday 12th October 3.30pm until 5.30pm
You can read more about the proposals here

Post-16 Offer Survey

We are consulting with stakeholders over the Post-16 Offer for Barnsley Young People with SEND.

The purpose of the Post-16 Offer is to provide the information that enables children and young people with SEND understand their options when they leave school, get the right level of support and make a successful transition in to adulthood.

The consultation is open from 7th August until 21st August 2023.

Please review the draft Post-16 Offer here, and complete our online survey here.

We will use your feedback to further improve the Offer and understand if further development is required on particular parts of it.

Further information can be found on Barnsley’s Local Offer.

SEND Co-Production Survey Highlights

In May 2023 Barnsley council published a survey to find out how parents and carers of children and young people with SEND in Barnsley want to work together with the local authority and partners to shape decisions made about SEND services.
There were a total of 249 responses with 218 of those responses from parents and carers. A fantastic response. The report  shows the highlights from the responses to the Working Together in SEND survey that came from parents and carers of children and young people with SEND and clearly sets out our next steps.
We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in the survey and all those who shared it. We are looking forward to this exciting opportunity to design how we work together to shape SEND in Barnsley.
Through the survey you told us 

- You want to be involved in co-production
- You want a plan for how we do co-production in Barnsley
- What should be in the plan
- You want a mixed method approach to co-production
- How you want to be communicated with

As parents and carers you told us that you want a specific Facebook page for co-production. We have now set up a SEND Co-production Barnsley Facebook page where, alongside the Local Offer channels, you will be able to find information about all opportunities to be involved in shaping services and decisions about SEND in Barnsley and future updates.
Because you told us you want a mixed approach to co-production, we are in the process of contacting SEND Parent/Carer groups to look at how best to create a mechanism to bring groups together as well as creating opportunities for individuals to get involved.
If you are a

• local SEND parent/carer group
• individual parent/carer of a SEND child or young person
• a SEND professional from a service, school or setting

and would like to find out more about getting involved please contact or call the SEND Participation Assistant, Laura on 07733314775 to find out about opportunities for you/your group.

SEND Events and Activities Survey

This survey will help the Local Authority to understand everything that is available across Barnsley for children and young people with SEND, and their families.
We need children and young people with SEND, and their families to tell us what they access, so we can share this with other SEND families across Barnsley.
Do you know of any

• SEND specific sessions
• SEND specific groups or clubs
• Autism friendly cinema screenings, gym times, supermarket shopping times etc
• Venues with great accessibility or adapted facilities,
• Places that go the extra mile for SEND families
or just great activities for SEND Young people in the Barnsley area.

If you do, please take a minute to complete our survey so we can try to make sure as many people as possible find out about them. You can fill the survey in more than once, if you are aware of more than one.

Short Breaks Survey

Barnsley Council is asking for feedback about Short Breaks. They want to ensure that families have the opportunity to tell the Council how they feel about Short Breaks and what else they would like to see offered.

Use the survey below to have your say.

If you would like further information about the consultation, or have any concerns about this consultation, please contact
Louise Berry, Lead Commissioning Officer

If you would like support to complete this survey you can:
  • attend the SEND Participation Drop in at Barnsley Library on 11th July 10am-2pm
  • contact
  • contact the SEND Participation Assistant, Laura on 07733314775

New Participation Drop in

Monthly Participation Drop ins

The Participation Team are holding Monthly Drop-in sessions at  Library@ the Lightbox

Come along, meet the team and,

  • Find out about ways to get involved in sharing your opinions
  • Get support to access current participation opportunities (including online surveys)

Upcoming sessions
10.10.2023 10am – 2pm Grimethorpe Family Centre
16.10.2023 10am – 12pm The Ozone
07.11.2023 10am – 2pm Kendray & Worsborough Family centre.
13.11.2023 10am – 12pm The Ozone
21.11.2023 10am-2pm Athersley family centre
11.12.2023 10am-2pm Penistone Library
13.12.2023 10am – 12pm The Ozone
19.12.2023 10am - 2pm Dearne family centre

For more information email 

EHCP Parent discussion group

The EHC Team have some spaces to join their Parent/Carer Discussion Group.

The EHC Parent/Carer Discussion Group meets at least once a half term on Wednesday mornings at the Ozone.

It's a chance to:

  • Meet senior staff within the EHC Team
  • Influence decisions 
  • Co-produce information and guidance related to the service

They are informal, friendly and members are able to share ideas in a safe environment.

Please email the if you would to get involved or if you have any further questions.

Targeted Youth Support Parent Carer Coffee Morning

If your child attends a Short Break or other Targeted Youth Support SEND session you are invited to our informal coffee morning we meet twice a half term supported by the LDD co-ordinator for Targeted Youth Support.

We are a well established group and we are always looking for new members, the group offers parents and carers the opportunity to access peer support and information as well as the chance to feed into participation and co-production opportunities.

For more information including how to join email; 

Vision in collaboration with Focus4Vision

Does your child or young person have a vision need?.

Would you like the chance to shape decisions about vision services? 

The Participation Officer and wider vision service host an open session with parent carers, once a term.

It's a new opportunity for this year and will be developed as it grows, we really want to hear the voices of parents and carers of children and young people with vision needs.

If you would like more information, including about when and where the next session will be held, email

Children's Hearing Services Parent Carer Sub-group

Are you a parent of a young person with a hearing need?

The Children's Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG) have developed a termly parent sub group to represent the voice of parents and carers, and they are looking for new members. 

The group makes sure that parents and carers can:
  • Share their experiences
  • Feed into decisions
  • Shape developments around children’s hearing services in Barnsley.

If you want to find out more information or get involved email 

Jargon Buster : What does that mean?

Co-productionWorking together on something 
Quality assuranceMaking sure something is good quality
Participation Joining in with something, taking part

Contact us

Need help?

0800 0345 340

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Help us improve the Local Offer Website

We hope you've found everything you were looking for. 

Help us improve the Local Offer Website by taking a few moments to complete our Feedback Form 

Worried about a child?

Worried about a child? 

Click here

Barnsley's Virtual Family Hub

💻 Visit the Virtual Family Hub 

Where you'll find information about Family Hubs & Start For Life, Universal Services, Help with childcare costs and childcare providers, leisure groups, holiday clubs and activities and much more!