You can search for Local Ofsted registered childcare, including day nurseries, childminders and after-school clubs on The Virtual Family Hub
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Choosing Childcare: Virtual Family Hub
You can add your postcode, how many miles you would like to travel and click search to see a list of settings in your area.
Clicking on the setting name will give you more information.
The description will say how they support children or young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and talk about what specialist training, experience and expertise they have to be able to support your child.
♿ They may also provide information about how accessible their setting is, in terms of disabled facilities.
If you like what you read and are interested, or have any questions about how they'll meet your child's needs the next step is to contact the childcare setting.
If you need any help using the search, or want some extra help to find a childcare setting you can contact the Families Information Service on 0800 0345 340 Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm and 9am - 4:30pm on Fridays.