Bootstrap Case Family Services Directory
Face to Face Parent Programmes
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Why join a Parent Programme?

Parent programmes and courses can be a great source of support for parents, carers and grandparents.

They give you a chance to share experiences, develop a greater understanding of child development, build positive relationships with your child and learn skills to deal with challenging behaviour.

Keep scrolling to see what we offer, or click the link below to view everything on Eventbrite. 

Welcome to the World

Welcome to the World is a 5-week programme for all expectant parents from 24-weeks of pregnancy. It will help you learn skills to bond with and care for your baby.

What to Expect:

  • We will cover a range of topics, including:
  • Understanding your baby
  • Baby’s brain development
  • Your future as parents and as a family
  • Your roots, traditions, hopes and fears for the future
  • Breastfeeding and the practical tasks of caring for a new baby
  • The need to look after ourselves

How to book:

Places can be booked via Eventbrite here: 

Welcome To the World 

Please note you only need to book one place per couple.

Sleep Success

The Sleep Success Programme covers why sleep is important and tips for developing sleep routines

For parents and carers with children over 12 months old.

The course is 5 weekly sessions, 2 hours each week.

What to Expect: 
The course covers
  • Common sleep issues
  • Sleep and wellbeing
  • Causes of sleep issues
  • Bedtime routines and more

How to book

You can book your place via Eventbrite here: 

Sleep Success 

Watch this quick video where Paige talks about bedtime routines and gives some top tips for a good night's sleep.

Please note that our staff are not specialists in children’s sleep disorders, if specialist support is needed speak your GP or other health professional.

Have you heard of the Sleep Charity?

The Sleep Charity provides information fact sheets, guides and top tips about getting a good night's sleep. Click the blue headings to read them now, or save them for later.

Common Sleep Issues: Find out about the most common issues kids have at bedtime, such as struggling to settle, changed in routine, bed-wetting and more

Nightmares and Night Terrors: Find out what the differences are, and what can help soothe them. 

Bedtime Routines: A good routine helps to support children’s body clocks and aids relaxation, find example routines and helpful tips here. 

Bedroom Environment: Find tips to help make your child’s bedroom the perfect place to support a restful night’s sleep:

Relaxation Tips: Read about how to create a relaxing and calm environment as bedtime approaches.

Diet and sleep : What we consume during the day can impact on our ability to sleep at night. Find out which foods are helpful and which ones to avoid before bed 

Sleep Hub for Teens: Many teens enjoy spending their evenings gaming, being online or on social media sites and quite often these activities can run well into the night. The Teen Sleep hub can help get back control 

Who can I talk to?

Ring the National Sleep Helpline: 03303 530 541 lines are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 7 - 9pm and on Monday and Wednesday Mornings 9 - 11am 

Talking Teens

Talking Teens focuses on the changes teenagers go through and their brain development . It gives practical advice, such as setting boundaries and improving communication skills, understanding empathy, to help build you relationship with your teenage child.

This course is for all parents and carers of children at secondary school, 10 years plus.

The course is 4 weekly sessions, 2 hours each week. With the opportunity of a 5 week to include group work with teenagers themselves, if requested by the group.

What to Expect:

It covers:

  • The foundations of positive parenting: providing warmth and structure
  • Messages from research: the teenage brain, sleeping habits and more
  • Handling difficult issues: drugs & alcohol, social media, sex, sexuality and staying safe
  • Power, boundaries and problem-solving

How to book 

Places can be booked via Eventbrite here: 

Talking Teens

Watch Marie's introduction to the Talking Teens course: 

Family Links Nurturing Programme

Children are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but looking after them can be stressful and challenging. The Nurturing Programme helps you deal with those challenges so that you can have a calmer, happier life. A tried and tested programme, it helps us think about what we do, why we do it and how it makes us feel.

This is a 10-week programme for parents or carers with children aged 3-10 years. Each session will last 2 hours.

What to expect:
We will look at lots of different topics, including:
• Understanding why children behave as they do.
• Recognising the feelings behind the behaviour (ours and theirs)
• Exploring different approaches to discipline
• Finding ways to develop cooperation and self-discipline in children.
• Learning the importance of looking after ourselves

How to book

Places can be booked via Eventbrite here: 

Webster Stratton 'Incredible Years'

This programme gives new ideas and ways for dealing with children’s behaviour— the ‘everyday’ issues and more serious behavioural issues.

For parents and carers of children aged 3-10 years.

The course is 14 weekly sessions, 2 hours each week.

How to book

Places on the Webster Stratton programme are available by referral only.

This means talking to a professional who knows you and your family and asking to be referred. They can use this form to complete the referral.

You can speak to a member of the Family Hub team if you are not currently working with any other professional

Click here for the booking form.

New you, New us

A 6 week programme, sharing hints and tips to help you during the first 6 months with your baby.

What to expect:

  • Helping your baby make sense of the world and understand each stage of their growth
  • Understand your babies cues and building a strong attachment with them.
  • Meet other parents and babies in your area
  • Try a range of fun and exciting activities to support your baby's development.
  • This course is 6 weekly sessions, 2 hours per week.

How to book:

You can book your place on Eventbrite here:

Parenting Puzzle Workshops

The Parenting Puzzle workshops help parents to feel more confident and have greater understanding of their children’s feelings and needs and how their children communicate these. The workshops will offer parenting strategies to support a child’s development and school readiness. This programme is for parents with children aged 0-4 years.

What to Expect:
Parenting Puzzle runs over 4 weeks 2 hours per session, here's what we will cover: 

Workshop 1:
Understanding Children’s Behaviour, Listening and Communicating, Praise and Encouragement

Workshop 2:
Praise and Guidance vs. Criticism, Child-led Play, and Positive Moments

Workshop 3:
Boundaries and Parenting Styles, Time to Calm Down, Dealing with Stress and Conflict

Workshop 4:
Choices and Consequences, Behaviour to Ignore, Putting the Puzzle Together, Looking after Ourselves or with another relative or friend.

You can book your place via Eventbrite here:

Triple P for Baby (Positive Parenting Programme)

Triple P for Baby aims to prepare parents for a positive transition to parenthood and the first year with baby, promoting sensitive and responsive care in the perinatal period.

It is an 8-session course with some group and 1:1 delivery for parents who are referred by a professional during pregnancy up to 12 months of age. 

Click here to access the referral form.

Henry: Preparing for Parenthood

H.E.N.R.Y (Health, Exercise and Nutrition for the Really Young) 'Preparation for Parenthood' is a 6-week antenatal programme that supports all expectant parents from 20 weeks of pregnancy to birth. The sessions are available either face to face or online. 

It helps families give babies and young children a healthy start in life by providing practical support and information.

We will cover a range of topics, including:
  • 👫 Becoming a parent
  • 🍏 A healthy pregnancy-(healthy start for babies before and after pregnancy, being active, healthy diet and what to eat during pregnancy) 
  • 🤍 Bonding (Baby’s brain development, what baby can and can’t do and building the bonds)
  • 👶 Caring for baby - (Safety, bathing, sleep and soothing a crying baby)
  • 🎒 Giving Birth-(Feelings, power of hormones, birth process and what to pack)
  • 🤱 Life after birth

How to book 

Places can be booked online via Eventbrite here 

Great Childhoods Ambition

Explore what’s possible for children, young people and families in Barnsley. 

Barnsley's Great Childhoods Ambition 

Barnsley Children's University

As part of our Great Childhoods Ambition, we've partnered up with the Children’s University Trust to launch the Barnsley Children’s University.

Click here to find out more 

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Help us improve the Virtual Family Hub by taking a few moments to complete our Feedback Form 

Register a birth

You need to register your baby to get a birth certificate.

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Working with small children is a big deal.

It’s a job that makes a difference by helping to give children the best start in life.

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Neighbouring Family Hub & Start For Life Offers

If you live outside the Barnsley area, contact your local Family Hub, or Children's Services for details about programs available in your community.