Below are some helpful tools and websites.
Co-Parenting from Separate Houses Toolkit from Relate.
The toolkit includes communication tips, how to handle conflict, supporting children’s wellbeing, self-care and other practical resources. You can download it free here.
Relate. This organisation has a wealth of free online resources to support parent relationships. Relate are here to help you handle problems with your partner or co-parent
• Chat to 'Relate Bot'. Share what you're going through and get answers, support, and advice to help you get through conflicts with your partner or co-parent..
• 'In-the-middle' bot helps parents to see their relationship through the child’s eyes
• 'Sounding Board' helps co-parents write text and email messages to each other, which require sensitivity. It analyses language to suggest clearer, more empathetic wording, reducing the risk of miscommunication or increased conflict.
Find out if you can access free counselling through Relate’s National Partnership scheme here.
See It Differently Website
When we argue with our partner or ex-partner, we can get caught up in the heat of the moment. At times like these, it’s difficult to find a way forward. Click here to access the website and see how other parents have changed how they handle conflict
Click Relationships
Click Relationships are an organisation that offer free relationship advice. Check out their webpage here.
Getting on Better Cards
Use the Getting on Better cards to help you think about your relationship with your partner (whether you are together or separated). They are simple reminders to help you remember what's really important in building our relationships.