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Local Perinatal Mental Health Support 

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Support for dads and co parents

If you are a partner of someone who is pregnant or recently gave birth, you might think everyone’s focus should be on your partners health, and that all available support is directed to them, and not you.
But as a partner you can also experience a mental health problem after a baby.

This could be because of

  • A new reality, which you are learning, or is different to what you expected
  • You might experience pressures such as a change in finances, changes in your daily routine, or not getting enough sleep.
  • You might not feel supported or as appreciated as your partner
  • You might be returning to work too soon, when you don’t feel ready to
  • Or, there might be no obvious cause.
It’s easy to ignore your own needs, and might feel it’s hard for you to reach out for help. But your mental wellbeing is important too, and there are ways to get help.

Find out more

You can access our page to find local support directed at dads and partners here

1001 Days Team

The 1001 days team are here to support families and help with the challenges of being a parent, whether you are dealing with some stress during or after pregnancy, or worried about connecting with your baby, we’re here.

We can help you if:

  • You are a mum, dad, partner, or main carer.
  • You're in the phase from pregnancy up to your child's second birthday.
  • You've had a tough time before or are facing challenges now, like a difficult childhood yourself or other issues.
  • You or your baby have health concerns identified during or after pregnancy.
  • You've filled out a form about how you're feeling with your doctor, midwife or health visitor. If you haven't done this yet, we can help you with that
To ask for help, or find out more about what we can do for you visit our page here: Virtual Family Hub: 1001 Days Team 

0-19 Public Health Nursing Service

The 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service is made up of Health Visitors and School Nursing Teams to support all families across Barnsley. Your Health Visitor can support you from 28 weeks of pregnancy and after birth, helping you develop a positive relationship with your baby, and look after your own wellbeing as a new parent.

More information can be found on their website: Barnsley 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service 

You can contact a health visitor by: 
Ring 01226 774411. Lines are open Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 4.45pm and Fridays 8.45am to 4.15pm (except bank holidays).
Messaging on Facebook on the Barnsley 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service Facebook page.

Perinatal Mental Health Team

This NHS team helps mums who are feeling low when they're having a baby or after having one. They give advice about using antidepressants when having a baby or breastfeeding.
If you are worried about your mental health, and thinking about having a baby they can help with advice even before you get pregnant.
They visit you at home, and you can also bring someone you trust, like your partner, a family member, or a friend to your appointments.

Find out more:

NHS Barnsley Talking Therapies

NHS Talking Therapies is a free and confidential service provided by the NHS to help people who are dealing with common mental health conditions in Barnsley.
If you are in the perinatal period you will be seen quicker.

Find out more:

Light Peer Support

Light Peer Support is a peer support charity offering emotional and mental health support to families across South Yorkshire from pregnancy to 2 years postnatal.

All staff and volunteers have lived experience of mental health difficulties at some point throughout their life and in their perinatal period.
They have a variety of peer support groups operating weekly in Barnsley Family Hubs, as well as offering one to one peer support either face to face, or by telephone or video call.

Find out more 

Get in touch:
Phone: 0114 438 8962
Text: 07523 242 212
To find out about the groups in the area follow Light on Facebook

M.U.M (Mums Understand Mums) group

Mums understand mums is a support group for pregnant women, and mums with babies less than six months old. 

  • Antenatal and Postnatal education for women around mental health
  • Bonding with bump
  • Art therapy
  • Baby massage / yoga
  • Peer support from other mothers
  • Joint working with other agencies
  • Sling library set up through staff at hospital

Find out more: Contact Yasmeen Akhtar (Mental Wellbeing Midwife) – 0779445162 / Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 4.30 pm (except for Bank Holidays)

Birth in Mind

Birth in Mind Offers postnatal women the opportunities to talk about the labour/ birth if they found it difficult or traumatic. They can give you the option for a referral to a psychologist who provides ‘trauma based therapy’. 
Get in touch 
Melissa Addy (Mental Health Midwife) Telephone- 01226 436340/ 07775800557

Barnsley Maternity Voices

We are a team of volunteers, mums and dads who want to make positive changes to maternity services
We meet every other month to talk about new developments, the current service, and get feedback from the families of Barnsley.
If you would like to get involved, or want to share your birth experience please get in touch.

Find out more:

NSPCC Pregnancy in Mind (PiM)

The NSPCCs Pregnancy in Mind service is a groupwork programme open to anyone who is expecting a baby and between 12-26 weeks of pregnancy, having feelings of anxiety or depression, and living in Barnsley.
The group uses a range of approaches, including mindfulness, relaxation, and social support, to improve your wellbeing and strengthen the connection between you and your unborn baby.
You will meet online as a group once a week, for eight weeks, with one-to-one conversations with your allocated practitioner in-between these, and optional follow up newsletters and 2 support calls after the arrival of your baby. You can come to the group on your own or bring a support person with you.

Find out more

Click here to see a short video about the service.
Or view the PiM Leaflet here

Get in touch

You can ask a professional working with you such as your Health Visitor, Midwife, or local Family Hub team to refer you into the service. They can do this by calling 01274 381440, or e-mailing: for a referral form. Or you can also contact the NSPCC yourself to access the service.

Barnsley Family Hubs

Barnsley Family Hubs provide support to families during and after pregnancy, and offer a range of groups and parenting programmes 

To find your local Family Hub, click here

Find out more:
Visit our Facebook page: Barnsley Family Hubs 
For more information you can call our Family Hubs on: 0800 0345 340 press option 2 lines are open 8:30am-4:30pm Mon-Thurs and 8:30am-4:00pm Fridays

Great Childhoods Ambition

Explore what’s possible for children, young people and families in Barnsley. 

Barnsley's Great Childhoods Ambition 

Barnsley Children's University

As part of our Great Childhoods Ambition, we've partnered up with the Children’s University Trust to launch the Barnsley Children’s University.

Click here to find out more 

Help us improve the Virtual Family Hub

We hope you've found everything you were looking for.

Help us improve the Virtual Family Hub by taking a few moments to complete our Feedback Form 

Register a birth

You need to register your baby to get a birth certificate.

Armed Forces Families

Find valuable information and support for our Armed Forces community and families at Armed Forces Barnsley.

Be part of something BIG

Working with small children is a big deal.

It’s a job that makes a difference by helping to give children the best start in life.

Find a job in childcare

Neighbouring Family Hub & Start For Life Offers

If you live outside the Barnsley area, contact your local Family Hub, or Children's Services for details about programs available in your community.

Family Hub Room Bookings

Click here to book a room within a Family Hub. 

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