Bootstrap Case Family Services Directory
Mental Health Support for Children & Young People

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Who can help? It's ok to ask for help.

It's a good idea to talk to someone when you're feeling sad or worried. This could be your parents, a teacher, well-being staff at school or Dr. 

By getting help, you can learn how to feel better and happier. So, remember, it's okay to ask for help when you're not feeling great inside.


If you have already had support from Compass Be, and you still feel the same talk to CAMHS.

They can help with: 

  • Obsessive thoughts and behaviours 
  • Anxiety issues, including panic attacks
  • Self-harm and thoughts of hurting themselves
  • Suicidal thoughts or thoughts that “I don’t want to be here anymore”
  • Problems with eating and food
  • Long-standing difficulties with coping after a scary and traumatic event.
Find out more
01226 107377 (Branching Minds - to request support) or 01226 644829 (CAMHS Barnsley)

Compass Be

Compass Be helps children & young people with:

  • Low mood: sadness, low motivation
  • Worries, irrational fears and concerns
  • Angry outbursts, pushing boundaries, frustration and distress
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Compass Be Bereavement Support for Young People

Monthly meetings for young people to come together to share their experiences, around death and loss as well as gaining information and support within a safe environment.

Find out more

Compass Be Bereavement 


Download the Kooth app. Online mental health support and counselling for young people in Barnsley aged 11 - 25, read articles written by young people for young people, join discussion boards around anxiety, relationship advice, and stressful days. There's always online support from Kooth team.

Find out more:

SilverCloud Online Support

If you are aged between 14 and 19, If you can't sleep because you are stressed about exams, feeling anxious on the bus to school,  the SilverCloud Online Support programme can help. It will give you tools, exercises and techniques to help you feel better, download the app below

Find out more:
Ring 01907 666371


NSPCC have a range of mental health information, advice and resources for children & young people.

Find out more:

Young Minds

Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling, get information about a mental health condition or find out what support is available to you, Young Minds can help

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Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life? For confidential suicide prevention advice contact HOPELINE247.
They operate HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141
Open 9am - midnight 7 days a week.
Find out more:

Branching Minds

If you are not sure which mental health service can help, ring Branching Minds. They will listen to you, signpost to the best service for you and your child and talk to you about referral pathways.

Find out more:
or ring 01226 107377

Barnsley Bereavement Support

Barnsley Bereavement Support Service offers free and confidential support to people to help come to terms with the loss of a loved one.

This service offer you a 'safe space' where you can cry without upsetting those close to you and where you can talk about the way you really feel in complete confidence.

Find out more
Please ring us on 01226 200565 if you need support. You may have to leave a message with your name and number, but rest assured someone will contact you within 24 hour.