Bootstrap Case Family Services Directory

Help with gas, electricity and keeping warm

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Help towards your bills

If you're worried about paying utility bills, or keeping your home warm there are services who can help. 

Help from your energy supplier

Your energy supplier may offer grants if you are falling into debt with them.

Find your supplier below to see if you can apply.

If your supplier is not listed:

Charis have partnered with UK energy companies to support households through the Let’s Talk Energy Fund.

Warm Homes Team

The Warm Homes Team can help if you are worried about bills and keeping warm 

They can talk to you about 
  • Making your home warmer and cheaper to run. 
  • Energy bills and what they mean, making sure you are on the best price plan (tariff) for your needs
  • Energy debt, and things you can do to get back on track

Find out more

Ring the warm homes team on 01226 773366 or visit their webpage here 

FREE replacement boilers

BMBC Warm Homes Team may be able to fit a new boiler for you free of charge. 

Are you eligible?
  • Your boiler needs to be eight years old or more and you must own your property.
  • You must also have a low disposable income after housing and energy costs.
  • If they replace your boiler they may also be able to help with outstanding energy debt
Apply online

You can apply online now using the form here
You can also call our Warm Homes team on 01226 773366. You'll be able to ask any questions or get help to complete the form.

Energy efficiency advice

Do you know how much it costs to run your kitchen appliances?

Use this appliance checker to find out!

It’s a good idea to find out how much your appliances cost to run and how you could use them differently to save electricity. 

Find out more 
There are quick and simple things you can do to help, visit the Citizen's Advice Energy Efficiency page 

Help from Yorkshire Water

Yorkshire Water can help with your water bill. They can help you to reduce or cap your bill. They also offer grants and debt repayment schemes.

Find out more:
Get help paying your bill from Yorkshire Water if you want to talk to someone about your bill you can ring 0345 1247247

Barnsley Welcoming Spaces

Welcoming spaces are happening across the Barnsley area, they are spaces where you can settle in keep warm, have a hot drink, get something to eat and try new activities.  

Find out more:

Visit the BMBC Winter Support webpage