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Perinatal Mental Health National Websites

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Looking for information online

It's important to turn to reliable sources for information, below are some national websites you can visit for information on perinatal mental health

NHS Depression in Pregnancy

Trusted NHS information about treating depression during pregnancy. 

Find out more: 

Depression in pregnancy (NHS)

MIND: Perinatal OCD

MIND guide to Perinatal OCD covers signs and symptoms, treatment options and self-care advice.

Find out more:

Perinatal OCD

PANDAS Pre & Postnatal Depression Awareness and Support

Pre and Postnatal depression advice and support for PANDAS

Find out more:


Birth Trauma Association

Support for women who have experienced traumatic childbirth, and their partners.

Find out more:

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

Information and support to help you and your family access the right treatment for PP. Find out how health services and APP can help you now and in the future.

Find out more:

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

Maternal Mental Health Alliance

Self-help guides and more information about maternal mental health

Find out more

Maternal Mental Health Alliance: Support for mums and families

MIND Perinatal Self Care

Guide to self care during the perinatal period form MIND 

Find out more:

MIND Perinatal Self Care

Great Childhoods Ambition

Explore what’s possible for children, young people and families in Barnsley. 

Barnsley's Great Childhoods Ambition 

Barnsley Children's University

As part of our Great Childhoods Ambition, we've partnered up with the Children’s University Trust to launch the Barnsley Children’s University.

Click here to find out more 

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Register a birth

You need to register your baby to get a birth certificate.

Armed Forces Families

Find valuable information and support for our Armed Forces community and families at Armed Forces Barnsley.

Be part of something BIG

Working with small children is a big deal.

It’s a job that makes a difference by helping to give children the best start in life.

Find a job in childcare

Neighbouring Family Hub & Start For Life Offers

If you live outside the Barnsley area, contact your local Family Hub, or Children's Services for details about programs available in your community.

Family Hub Room Bookings

Click here to book a room within a Family Hub. 

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