Some level of arguing or conflict between parents or carers is often part of normal, everyday life but when the conflict becomes frequent, intense and poorly resolved, it can negatively impact children’s mental health and long-term outcomes.
- Harmful parental conflict can include:
- Aggression
- Silence
- Lack of respect
- Passing the blame
- Lack of resolution
Harmful parental conflict and domestic abuse are different things. It’s important not to undertake interventions to support parental conflict if domestic abuse is also a factor in the relationship.
Contact for a copy of the Relationship Distress Traffic Light Triage tool and questions to help you distinguish between harmful parental conflict and domestic abuse.
If you are still unsure, speak to your manager or call on IDAS 03000 110 110 (Barnsley) or their 24 hour national helpline 0808 2000 247.