Top Tips for Parents & Carers
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Centre for Emotional Health (formerly Family Links) provides free leaflets and guides to help you at every stage of your parenting journey. Click the blue links to read them now, or save them for later.
Top Tips: Take a look at the Family Links Parenting Booklet for top tips on giving praise, setting boundaries, recharging your batteries and more.
Negotiation: Sometimes we need to meet in the middle. Check out the 8 Steps for Negotiation Leaflet
Choices and Consequences: This helpful guide has 7 steps for giving Choices and Consequences with examples.
Problem-Solving: Are the same things causing a problem in your family life? Find out how to work together with this guide to Problem-Solving
Active Ignoring can work well on behaviours such as whining, interrupting, swearing and sulking. The Active Ignoring Guide can help you master this technique:
Giving Time to Calm Down: Sometimes we just all need a breather, follow the 10-step guide to Supporting Children to Calm Down.
Giving Praise is so much more than a well done. Read these 9 Easy Steps to Giving Praise Effectively
If you would like to talk to someone about parenting or behaviour ring 0800 0345 340 and we will put you in touch with a member of the Family Hubs team,
Or drop into any of our Family Hub sites Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 pm for an informal chat
Find your nearest Family Hub
Our sleep helpline is here to give expert advice if your child is struggling with their sleep, from 12months through to 18 years of age.
Available every Wednesday, between 12pm & 4pm.
Ring 01226 704026 to speak to a trained practitioner from the sleep charity to help you with any worries about your child's sleep.
Explore what’s possible for children, young people and families in Barnsley.
Barnsley's Great Childhoods Ambition
As part of our Great Childhoods Ambition, we've partnered up with the Children’s University Trust to launch the Barnsley Children’s University.
Click here to find out more
You need to register your baby to get a birth certificate.
Working with small children is a big deal.
It’s a job that makes a difference by helping to give children the best start in life.
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